Since the beginning, RWB has built drinking water production plants for almost all of the Dutch water companies.
Top-quality drinking water
A good reputation
The Netherlands has a good reputation in terms of drinking water quality. Relatively, the consumption of bottled water is small. It is obvious to get safe, clean and clear drinking water from the tap.
Water consumption
The Dutch drinking water companies have been producing drinking water since the 19th century. With current consumption of around 120 litres per person per day and a total consumption (including industry) of 1 billion m³ per year, it is important that production levels are maintained and are of good quality.
Water scarcity
Drought also occurs in the ‘wet’ Netherlands. But fortunately we do not suffer from water scarcity, like many other countries in the world. With river flows and rainfall of around 90 billion m³ per year, the water level remains on the right track.

Most drinking water – 2/3 – is extracted from groundwater in the Netherlands. Where groundwater is scarce (or not usable due to salinization), surface water is used. Surface water treatment is less stressful for the environment, but is more intensive because of the higher degree of pollution compared to groundwater.
RWB is a partner of all 10 water companies in the Netherlands
RWB has been building drinking water production facilities for Dutch drinking water companies since its inception. We have knowledge and experience of all process steps and various technologies for the purification of groundwater and surface water.
Realized projects
Our customer speaks
More and more undesirable substances are being discharged into our surface water. The innovative technology applied in Andijk is capable of turning polluted surface water into high-quality drinking water.
“Andijk III not only ensures a high water quality, but also costs less energy and is better for the environment. The intended capacity of the drinking water production company in Andijk is no less than 5,000 m³ per hour. This will enable us to guarantee the supply of drinking water to North Holland in the years ahead.”
PWN Drinking Water Company North Holland
This is why you choose RWB
Do you want to optimize your drinking water project?
More information about our activities within the drinking water sector? Feel free to contact us via the number below or use the contact form.