Our passion is technology in water treatment. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we deliver customization in water. This can be customer-specific installations, but also standard systems.
Water treatment technologies
RWB has extensive knowledge of water purification technologies. This means that we choose the application of the most optimal technology, or combination of technologies, for any issue.
Standard systems
Through our standard product package we supply systems for better water in homes, offices, hospitals and industrial facilities. Our complete range of water softeners, water filtration systems and industrial solutions set the standard in the water treatment world.
Modular Installations
Via a modular design and standard components, we supply customer-specific installations. Our knowledge and experience is multidisciplinary: process technology, instrumentation, management and automation make up an integral part of our thinking.
Project Management
Working with people is the basis for RWB in project work. The project manager is the key to that. He ensures that the collaboration between you and the project team goes as optimally as possible. He does that by clearly documenting the tasks, responsibilities and authorities of all parties involved in a project. That includes procedures for handling information.
More information about system realization?
Feel free to contact us via the number below or use the contact form.