• Drinkwater
    Drinking water

With the new installation the water hardness is reduced from 17 ºdH to 7,8 ºdH

Brabant Water

About Brabant Water

Brabant Water is a drinking water company that supplies drinking water to 2,5 million inhabitants and companies in North Brabant. With 800 employees, Brabant Water ensures that customers can count on clean and safe drinking water at anytime and anywhere in Brabant.

Every year, 2,4 million inhabitants and companies are supplied with 190 million m³ of water. Brabant Water has 31 drinking water production stations. All drinking water is produced from groundwater. The groundwater sources are protected.

Our project

Because of the good groundwater quality, aeration and filtration are often sufficient to prepare the water for consumption. At a number of water production sites, the water is extracted deep and has a water hardness (amount of lime and magnesium) of more than 17 °dH.

Brabant Water has established a hardness policy for drinking water in Brabant. As a result, some of the production sites need to be expanded to reduce water hardness.

Effective technology for removing hardness from water

A highly effective technology for the removal of hardness from water is pellet softening

In order to meet the requirements regarding the maximum hardness of the drinking water, Brabant Water has to expand six production locations with an RWB water softening installation.

A very effective technology for the removal of hardness from water is pellet softening. The technology is ideally suited for large-scale and centralized water treatment. Pellet softening is therefore often used in the production of drinking water.

The name pellet softening finds its origin in the formed residue; small, rock-hard limestone balls that are called pellets.

Pellet softening distinguishes itself by the following advantages:

  • Compact installation, small footprint
  • Robust and reliable process
  • Simple and flexible operation
  • Low total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Production of easily transportable and reusable by-products

The pellets produced can be sold in the cement or metal industries, or in the animal feed industry.

What is realized?

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    Cascade aeration and aeration of raw water storage
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    Softening plant consisting of 3 reactors and lime milk dosing pumps
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    Sand storage, washing and dosing installation (pump, dosing unit, scrubber, sand silo)
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    Limestone storage, lime milk production and dosing system
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    Decarbonization installation including pressure boosting unit, piping and fittings

Our customer speaks

“We will ensure that our tap water will not be above the hardness limits in 2018. In many places, the water is already naturally soft(er) and softening-out is not necessary. Where the water is hard, we installed water softening installations at our water production locations together with partners, including RWB Water. Since 2017, we have been supplying softer water to the Lith area.”

Brabant Water
Brabant Water
Brabant Water

“In 2018, no Brabant Water customer has hard water.”

Softer water contains less lime. And that offers advantages!

The Mobilis-RWB combination completed the new construction of the softening installation, with Mobilis carrying out the civil part and RWB the mechanical part. As a result, the water hardness has decreased to 7,8 ºdH.

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