Vitens Backwash Water Reuse
Sustainability Sustainable reuse of backwash water trough ceramic membrane filtration About Vitens Vitens N.V. is the youngest and largest water company in the Netherlands. Every year, the company supplies 330 billion liters of water from 100 production locations to the inhabitants of the provinces of Friesland, Overijssel, Gelderland, Flevoland and Utrecht via 2,3 million tap…
Backwash water reuse with ceramic membranes

Drinking water An innovative and unique water purification system. A milestone for the drinking water industry. About Vitens Vitens N.V. is the youngest and largest water company in the Netherlands. Every year, the company supplies 330 billion liters of water from 100 production locations to the inhabitants of the provinces of Friesland, Overijssel, Gelderland, Flevoland…
Drinking water production on the Wadden Islands

Drinking water An innovative and unique water purification system. A milestone for the drinking water industry. About PWN PWN is a waterworks company in the Dutch province of North Holland. PWN’s drinking water network contains almost 800.000 connections and provides more than 1.7 million inhabitants with clean and safe drinking water. Total annual consumption is…
Drinking water production plant Andijk III

Brabant water
Drinking water With the new installation the water hardness is reduced from 17 ºdH to 7,8 ºdH About Brabant Water Brabant Water is a drinking water company that supplies drinking water to 2,5 million inhabitants and companies in North Brabant. With 800 employees, Brabant Water ensures that customers can count on clean and safe drinking…
Drinking water production plant Lith

Dankers Bio Energy
Sustainability A complete solution to treat the surplus in manure and digestate. About Dankers Bio Energy Dankers Bio Energy operates a digestion plant in which biogas is recovered from a mixture of manure and organic waste products. The biogas is eventually converted into electricity by a heat exchanger. The plant converts 35,000 tons of manure…
Manure and digestate treatment

Sustainability Increased production with lower water consumption About Grolsch Grolsch has a history dating back to 1615, making it one of the oldest companies in the Netherlands. Grolsch only brews beer and has grown over the years to become one of the strongest A-brands in the Netherlands. Since 1995 Grolsch has been entitled to call…
Backwash water reuse installation

Proceswater Guaranteed and continuous supply of demi-water About Induss Waterlink, a partnership between the Flemish water companies AWW and TMVW, has with the establishment of Induss n.v. its own full service company where industrial customers can go with the issues around inbound and outbound water flows. At Induss, the aim is to make industrial water…
Demineralized water plant Antwerp

Proceswater Preparation of process water using the “Multi-barrier” principle. About Coca-Cola Worldwide, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. (CCE) is the largest producer, marketer and distributor of The Coca-Cola Company’s products. In addition to traditional carbonated soft drinks, CCE’s product range also includes fruit juices, sparkling and non-sparkling waters. Coca-Cola Nederland is a local company with a strong…
Source water treatment

Medical Spectrum Twente
Proceswater Process water of vital importance About Medical Spectrum Twente MST is a unique and modern hospital where everyone can get all the care they need, especially if it is complex or acute. Within MST, everything is designed for personal attention. MST was built with the conviction that care and service to the patient can…
Softening installation

Water Board Limburg
Waste water Need for renewal and compliance with the Water Framework Directive 2017 About Water Board Limburg Water Board Limburg produces purified wastewater and converts sewage sludge into valuable raw materials and energy. This is done in an innovative and sustainable way. The waste water comes from 500.000 households in Limburg and 30.000 companies connected…
Continuous sand filters WWTP Wijlre